Love & Appreciation

"My work with Panya over two separate in-person group meetings... transformed my ability to connect with my body and shifted my investment in rest and healing. The impact... extends beyond my own personal life, but into my work [as well]... This change can be felt amongst our entire team... I am better, and our organization is better because of [it]."
Panya is a true gift in the craft of somatics and to the world. I am better, and our organization is better, because of her.
She co-faciliated a three day retreat with our organization's staff and board, creating specific space for somatic education and practice through progressive group sessions ranging from initial body connection to deep transformative connections with ourselves and our futures. Her ability to connect with individuals and create a calm, healing and liberatory space is indisputable.
In my work with Panya over two separate in-person group meetings, she transformed my ability to connect with my body and shifted my investment in rest and healing. The impact of this work with Panya extends beyond my own personal life, but into my work, colleagues and the value of somatic practice in our daily work. Following our team's last session with her, where she brought us into our future selves so we could feel and see our path forward, I am a changed person. This change can be felt amongst our entire team and I am eternally grateful that Panya could bring me to deeper connection with myself, grounding me in my own knowing and opening up my most authentic purpose. This is what she provides. She is a gift; one that can transform lives to healing, happiness and growth.
Elise Belusa
Executive Director, Tara Health Foundation
San Francisco, CA

"The Onward & Upward Training System Online Coaching Program was a surprisingly beautiful experience. I saw both subtle and sweeping shifts in my life. It has created more space within me to respond to life. My daily activities feel more at ease instead of swimming upstream in frustration. Joy!"
The Onward & Upward Training System Online Coaching Program was a surprisingly beautiful experience. I saw both subtle and sweeping shifts in my life. I felt like I was shedding what no longer was needed, but in a gentle way where resistance didn't have the opportunity to sabotage or take over. At the SAME time I felt like I was growing what needed to expand more. My life feels softer, more of a witness and response -- it has created more space within me to respond to life. Silence is comfortable and is a cornerstone in myself that was too scared to be seen and felt previously. My life has moved from quantity to quality, a much needed shift. My daily activities feel more at ease instead of swimming upstream in frustration. Joy! THANK YOU.
Marisha Schmidt
Adjunct Professor, Indiana University of South Bend
South Bend, IN

"The program helped me to set some goals, tap more deeply into my intuition, and allow myself the space to recognize what was holding me back and work through those blocks... I absolutely would recommend the program to individuals that are interested in taking a deep look at themselves and are interested in their own personal growth."
I joined the online coaching program because I know that working with Panya is always an opportunity for self-reflection, deeper connection with myself, and growth. The program helped me to set some goals, tap more deeply into my intuition, and allow myself the space to recognize what was holding me back and work through those blocks. The program also helped me to let go of fear, and helped me to go with the flow, while setting longer term objectives for myself. I absolutely would recommend the program to individuals that are interested in taking a deep look at themselves and are interested in their own personal growth. The journey for every person is a deeply personal one, and so you really set the course for what you want to gain out of the experience. Panya’s program offers the roadmap.
Vicky Hernandez
Chief Development & Marketing Officer, URI
New York, NY

"Panya facilitated three workshops during a recent two-day retreat that I was co-facilitating. Panya's ability to help me and others to relax into a meditative state and then connect our bodies with our minds is extraordinary... Her workshops allowed the rest of the retreat process to go even deeper into understanding and collaboration. It was a deep and rich experience with a highly trained facilitator."
I had heard about Panya Walker's magic and recently had an opportunity to experience it myself. Panya facilitated three workshops during a recent two-day retreat that I was co-facilitating. Panya's ability to help me and others to relax into a meditative state and then connect our bodies with our minds is extraordinary. In a process to create coherence, she took us deep within ourselves to connect to a value formed in adolescence and explore it. The experience was deep and powerful. Another exercise, called "Seeding the Future," took us forward into our own future. Another powerful journey of visualization and meditation that took me to meet my future self in a coherent and authentic experience. Her workshops allowed the rest of the retreat process to go even deeper into understanding and collaboration. It was a deep and rich experience with a highly trained facilitator. Thank you Panya.
Dr. Ali Webb
Lecturer, Nonprofit Management
President and CEO, Ali Webb Strategies

"For the past 11 years, during every one of our sessions, the feeling of release and relief rises and settles... The tightness vanishes... I accept permission to view my Life from a different lens... This is what I come to [Panya] to experience: A somatic stretch wide enough to soothe, restore and reimagine my peace..."
I prepare for our calls with added attention to detail and mental clarity.
I choose bright colors, dangly earrings and lingering scents to accent my intention to focus on FeelGood and myself.
Today I wear black jeans, a black button-down with white Africanisque patterns and a fuchsia top. White beaded earrings touch my collarbone. Orange, wood-bottom clogs dress my feet.
I smell like amber, Egyptian musk and possibility.
You ask how I am feeling and am I clear: I need a shift from a desperate sense of being unanchored, from the lonely ache of unfamiliar landscapes, fear and memory.
I am clear: the details of my Life may be immutable but my perspective is ready for adjustment.
How can I accept and appreciate the now-ness of my reality?
How can I pitch a tent right where I sit and stand and not in the mystical future?
How can I find and seek joy in my everyday ordinary living?
How can I trust the good that pierces my worry and hints at sustainable contentment?
My list of gotta-dos are many; how can I prioritize peace of mind and spiritual maintenance with "get-to-dos"?
As we begin, I remove my clogs, breathe deeply and feel tension in my chest. Like a prickly band across my ribs. (How long has that sensation been there?)
For about 40 minutes the tightness remains, creeping beneath my left breastbone and then up the back of my neck.
And then, after you respond to the nudges of Spirit, unknown to me but kindred to you, a new sensation emerges.
And I know it. For the past 11 years, during every one of our sessions, the feeling of release and relief rises and settles. Feels like cool air blowing across my brain, or like a wind chime tinkling inside my chest and along my arms.
The tightness vanishes. I begin to sway in my chair. I giggle and inhale. I accept permission to view my Life from a different lens.
This - the overjudging, the overthinking, the overdoing - is not struggle, you tell me. It is an aspect of expansion. It is a pathway to the gift of growth.
I am not peering into the doorway of transformation, you insist. I am through the door. Change is upon me and evolution moves in ebb and flow.
I am taking "leaps in consciousness."
Nothing is wrong; I am in flow.
I am judge and lover.
Seeker and knower.
A wanderer full of wonder.
The center of my creation.
This, my sis, is what I come to you to experience: A somatic stretch wide enough to soothe, restore and reimagine my peace.
I come for customized questions phrased in simplicity and poetry: What do I need to bring light and lightness to?
How many ways can I live this day in joy and love?
The shift - from angst to acceptance, from heft to happy - begins with your gift of spiritual service, sis. You are the well I return to for soul nourishment, reflective reasoning and soul cleansing.
Today I live in joy and love and gratitude.
I know I will come this way again and again and again...
Thank you Panya!!!
Tasneem Ansariyah Grace
Storyteller, Artist, Activist
Founder and Chief Storyteller, Soul Story
Vice President, Mosaic Changemakers
Nashville, TN

"Panya's work is different from anything else I've come across, because of the way it blends mind-body-spirit. There's a depth to it that helps you to connect to your inner being in very powerful and practical ways that address the whole self."
I came to Panya in search of relationship counseling and guidance, because I was feeling stuck (sort of at a dead end) and I knew I needed help to get unstuck.
Working with Panya has grown my awareness of myself in ways that I didn't expect. I would say that my previous communication style was avoidant. I did a lot of obligation in relationship but I wasn't used to listening to myself, and now I have the tools to interrelate from a more honest, present and productive place. I feel empowered to stand in my own space. I've found my voice. This has helped me in my relationships with myself, my husband and my kids, my friends, my parents and my siblings. So much so that as I've grown, the way that I move and communicate has also grown, and people around me have noticed, and become clients of Panya's as well.
Panya's work is different from anything else I've come across, because of the way it blends mind-body-spirit. There's a depth to it that helps you to connect to your inner being in very powerful and practical ways that address the whole self. I hadn't found that before. The work has changed the way I perceive and show up for life. It's set me up for growth. After some months of working with Panya, not only are my relationships transformed, but I've got a new job that deeply fulfills me.
Alicia Tercero
Santa Fe, NM

"I'm trained to be an academic and have leaned heavily on my intellect throughout my life. Through the work with Panya I've explored aspects of knowing (and not knowing) that have taken me beyond my intellect. The work has helped me tap into and develop some of the inner competencies that are essential for navigating ambiguity in the context of a larger arch of time... Focusing on these inner competencies is probably some of the most consequential work that we will do in our lives..."
I came to Panya at a time when I was at a crossroads, at a place where I needed to make choices about how I showed up in the world. I was in the pinch of the pandemic, had lots of unprocessed emotions swirling and didn't know how to manage them, much less manage myself. Someone whose judgment I trusted implicitly told me about Panya's work and said "you've got to connect with her." So I did.
I'm trained to be an academic and have leaned heavily on my intellect throughout my life. Through the work with Panya I've explored aspects of knowing (and not knowing) that have taken me beyond my intellect.
The work has helped me to tap into and develop some of the inner competencies that are essential for navigating ambiguity in the context of a larger arch of time. I've learned how to identify and get over my fears. Panya's helped me to understand what I'm doing, and where I'm at, and what I'm contributing to the world in the context of that larger arch. Focusing on these inner competencies is probably some of the most consequential work that we will do in our lives.
This has helped me in my work with individuals and organizations, which can be very intense -- it's easy to get caught up in the pressing need for change in the world. I've learned how to effectively distance myself from what I'm feeling and experiencing in a particular moment, and take in the sum totality of what's in front of me. I've learned to regulate my emotional eye more effectively. And as I regulate it better, I also trust it more.
The biggest learnings and impacts for me have been around taking theoretical understandings and making them concrete. All of us can get training, but the deep work comes through technical assistance. I consider Panya to be a healer, in the sense that she teaches self-healing. She teaches you how to do it for yourself. She tunes into you as an individual, works with you at your own pace -- you are in charge -- and shares concepts and tools that are practical, timely and attuned to your particular circumstance. She also shares in a way that complements and supports any spiritual system (including none) that may be a part of your life.
Dr. Keecha Harris
President and CEO, KHA
Birmingham, AL

"To me, Panya is something of a spiritual activist -- she very much helped me to de-compartmentalize my thinking, and zoom in on what my own intuition was trying to let me know. Kind of like Marie Kondo for the soul -- we worked to get rid of what was no longer bringing me joy, and to restore inner spaciousness."
I came to Panya having long been a fan of her intuitive skill. I was in a stuck place, and no amount of 'self-helpiness' was helping me to move closer to my purpose. To me, Panya is something of a spiritual activist - she very much helped me to de-compartmentalize my thinking, and zoom in on what my own intuition was trying to let me know. Kind of like Marie Kondo for the soul - we worked to get rid of what was no longer bringing me joy, and to restore inner spaciousness. I feel like my logical and emotional sides are working better together following our sessions, and revisit my notes often for a refresher.
Kerry Ashforth
Human Rights Funder
New York, NY

"I came to Panya initially to learn my sensory profile because I sensed in her a great wisdom and a heart and gift for empathy, understanding and healing... She has been a trusted advisor to me on my journey of self discovery and through the work I've connected more deeply to myself and the world around me."
I came to Panya initially to learn my sensory profile because I sensed in her a great wisdom and a heart and gift for empathy, understanding and healing. The work helped me to balance physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of my life and to experience greater wellbeing overall.
I also came to her for sensory support after experiencing a serious health situation. Working with Panya greatly assisted in my recovery.
She has been a trusted advisor to me on my journey of self discovery and through the work I've connected more deeply to myself and the world around me.
Attorney At Law
Santa Fe, NM

"Panya's intuition and ability to see deeper into situations are rare gifts that enable her to guide her clients through the discovery and healing of their inner selves."
Working with Panya has been a rewarding experience. Her level of intuition and ability to see deeper into situations are rare gifts that enable her to guide her clients through the discovery and healing of their inner selves.
Benjamin Tercero
Santa Fe, NM

"Working with Panya helped me to understand myself better so I could confront and address the fears that were causing me anxiety and that were affecting my health. She gave me tools to manage my stress and helped me to look at things differently... and I feel much more capable of meeting the ups and downs of life."
I came to Panya because I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress. I was a new mother, in a new city, in the middle of a pandemic. I grew up in a family where people didn't really talk about mental health much. So it never occurred to me to seek help until I was drowning in stress. You don't learn about how you react to things on a sensory level, at least I never did. And working with Panya helped me to understand myself better so I could confront and address the fears that were causing me anxiety, and that were affecting my health. She gave me tools to manage my stress and helped me to look at things differently. My husband tells me that I'm more calm and at peace, and I feel much more capable of meeting the ups and downs of life.
Alejandra Lemon
Santa Fe, NM

"[The work] has helped me on my healing journey towards complete self acceptance and forgiveness towards myself and others... Somatic sessions with Panya were the key for me to begin the journey from just surviving to thriving."
For my first session I was genuinely surprised at how much helpful information I received. The sensory profile was extremely helpful and accurate. As time went on and I continued with more sessions it was apparent to me that Panya is connected to the Divine and is living in the flow. Her spiritual downloads are always on point and timely.
With each session I feel more internal peace. I feel less stress and worry over things I have no control over and I am learning how to respond to my surroundings instead of reacting. It has helped me on my healing journey towards complete self acceptance and forgiveness towards myself and others.
If you're thinking about working with Panya I would say DO IT!!!! Don’t waste another minute thinking about it. It is truly life changing. Somatic sessions with Panya were the key for me to begin the journey from just surviving to thriving.
Kristov Perez
Owner, Studio 1011
Santa Fe, NM

"I decided to have a Sensory Profile Session with Panya... and I'm so glad I did. She helped me to understand my kids' learning styles better... and move forward with greater ease and clarity around how to support my kids."
Parenting can be complicated sometimes. As a mother of two I find no greater joy than nurturing and fostering my kids to the best of my ability, but that isn't always easy. I decided to have a Sensory Profile Session with Panya after witnessing her navigate dynamics with her own children, and I am so glad I did. She helped me to understand my kids' learning styles better, and how to deal with outbursts specifically, and move forward with greater ease and clarity around how to support my kids. Since the session things have really shifted for us. Not only have the intense outbursts stopped but it has positively influenced our family dynamic! I would highly recommend Panya's work for any parent scratching their head, or pulling their hair out, that wants to find greater ease and joy in parenting, especially if you're home schooling or doing remote learning.
​Dr. Acazia Gilmore
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Santa Fe, NM

"Panya is such a radiant force of energy and full of life-affirming insights. Her approach in our session really ignited my mind in ways that changed the way I understand myself and it has genuinely changed my business and life."
Panya is legit the Bomb.com! I am so grateful our paths crossed and I feel so fortunate to experience her work and benefit from her wisdom. Panya is such a radiant force of energy and full of life-affirming insights. Her approach in our session really ignited my mind in ways that changed the way I understand myself and it has genuinely changed my business and life. Thanks to Panya, I now have access to an innate superpower I never knew could unlock new worlds for me! So much love and gratitude!
Nomakhosi Ndebele
Style & Brand Consultant
Los Angeles, CA

"I would absolutely recommend the Onward and Upward program! Give the program a try. The information is relevant to anyone wanting to achieve a goal, no matter how big or small. Panya gives you the tools and breaks down the steps needed to bring success."
Most of my work has been in service to others. I've worked in youth development/child care programs for 8 years. I've also studied Reiki and Energy Healing since 2013.
Before taking the Onward & Upward program I was at a job I hated that had little stability. In the beginning of the course Panya helped us to set a clear intention and goal -- that became our focus throughout the course. I set the goal to transition to work that I love. Soon after taking the course, I was presented with an employment opportunity in my field, at the location I wanted, with an amazingly supportive supervisor and manager. I was promoted within 6 months and received scholarships for training programs that will help me advance further!
In the course Panya gives us something she calls, set point stabilizers. I love them! These gems are statements of power. I focused on and spoke aloud the ones that pertained to work and money. I like to think of it as telling myself the truth. This shifted my mindset and I was able to improve my focus and performance at that very job I hated. With the new opportunity and through other avenues I’ve attracted more income and abundance in my life.
I would absolutely recommend the Onward and Upward program! Give the program a try. The information is relevant to anyone wanting to achieve a goal, no matter how big or small. Panya gives you the tools and breaks down the steps needed to bring success.
​​Seradin Engram
Brooklyn, NY

"Panya's helped me achieve one goal after another. It’s mind blowing because it's nothing like I've ever experienced. Panya's unique approach will have you achieving dreams you never thought possible."
When I came to Panya I didn't really understand what Soma was or how she worked, however, I trusted her and I trusted the process. She always begins the work by setting a clear intention and goal. My initial goal was to work on my business, because I wanted to grow my revenue. But through the work I came to realize what was actually blocking my business was a dysfunctional personal relationship. Panya helped me to address that dysfunction and transform the relationship. Once I did that, we focused on my business, and I started moving forward really quickly, increasing my revenue, developing new products and services -- and achieving one goal after another. It’s mind blowing because it’s nothing like I’ve ever experienced. Panya’s unique approach will have you achieving dreams you never thought possible.
Kathy Loewenstern
Crackerjack Facebook Ads Strategist & Business Accelerator @Kathy Lo Knows
San Francisco, CA

"I credit Panya's course for empowering me with an Onward and Upward guide that accelerated this transitional moment in my journey. I highly recommend it to anyone, and everyone, who is ready to grow and move onward and upward! "
Onward and Upward came to me just in time to help me appreciate and accelerate an unexpected transition to move across the country. Though I was happy to relocate for my spouse, I was looking for clarity about what was "next" for me. Panya had the unique ability to speak into a camera as if she is personally delivering a message to me through the screen. Her words are like a warm blanket of care and comfort that soothes your soul, warms your heart and motivates your spirit to move forward. I was inspired everyday I went through a lesson. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and felt myself growing confidence and tapping into my own wisdom. What I thought would be a difficult 6 - 9 month transition to a new state turned out to be a fulfilling 3 month transition that landed me into a wonderful new job. I credit Panya's course for empowering me with an Onward and Upward guide that accelerated this transitional moment in my journey. I highly recommend it to anyone, and everyone, who is ready to grow and move onward and upward!
Michele Reeves
Albuquerque, NM

"When I came to Panya... I was operating from my 'fractioned' self; not my whole self. Panya helped me to put my pieces together; gently and safely."
​How many of you REALLY value yourself as #1 in YOUR life? (crickets) Well, let me tell you I thought I was walking my talk. I mean I'm a doctor of holistic medicine, The Fountain Of Youth Guru and the Intuitive Natural Medicine Woman, RIGHT?!?!! So, I should know better...but, when I came to Panya for her Transformational Consultation and Quantum Healing, I was operating from my 'fractioned' self; not my whole self. Panya helped me to put my pieces together; gently and safely. Through her affirmations that she tuned in specifically for me AND her specific exercises to unlock the blocks in my meridian energies....to helping me to realign with my ancestral guides; I have learned how to manage my stress; balance my Celiac Disease; and nourish my kidneys/adrenals gently & safely. If YOU haven't signed up for a session with Panya Walker; what the heck are you waiting for? Get off YOUR pot and get YOUR 'ish' together....we only have this ONE LIFE to LIVE! Make it YOUR BEST ONE!
Dr. Monica Bickerstaff
Doctor of Holistic Medicine
Las Vegas, NV

"After the Quantum Healing I felt a renewed sense of clarity. You were able to bridge a powerful connection to my guides and over-soul, which brought me great peace."
​After the Quantum Healing I felt a renewed sense of clarity. You were able to bridge a powerful connection to my guides and over-soul, which brought me great peace.
I would absolutely recommend people to work with you. Especially during these turbulent times. Your guidance is like a beacon of light!
It was exactly what I needed, and I'm sure many, many others will continue to benefit greatly from your divine gifts.
Dr. Lee Schwalb
Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist
New York, NY

"My transformational consultation with Panya was incredible. I felt instant relief and a removal of the blocked energy I had been experiencing prior to our call! ...Thank you for this gift you share with us, Panya. I feel that you're the world's best-kept secret and I can't wait for more people to experience the joy of working with you!"
My transformational consultation with Panya was incredible. I felt instant relief and a removal of the blocked energy I had been experiencing prior to our call!
During the first part of my session Panya told me that I should rest and relax so that I could receive the healing. Then we connected on the phone and she tuned in to me to: 1) remove ancestral and emotional blocks 2) coach me through my biggest challenges 3) explain how to integrate the recent healing into my way of being.
Panya is a thorough professional and she ensured that each and every single question I had was answered. She gave me an aftercare plan complete with exact steps to take and affirmations to say throughout my healing period. It’s been a few weeks and I am reporting back to say I have felt an immediate and on-going sense of peace since working together. We chose one specific life-area to work on, my relationship. But I’ve also felt an additional bonus, I’m clear of blocked energy in my business.
Thank you for this gift you share with us, Panya, I feel that you’re the world’s best-kept secret and I can’t wait for more people to experience the joy of working with you!
Tepsii of Tepsii.com
Copywriting teacher and soulful business strategist
South Africa

"I can't recommend Panya's coaching enough. The scheduled time to meditate, breathe and think about how to center myself was invaluable. Really, it is the reason I was able to balance an intense work environment and classes."
I can’t recommend Panya’s coaching enough. The scheduled time to meditate, breathe and think about how to center myself was invaluable. Really, it is the reason I was able to balance an intense work environment and classes.
Some of the more physical meditations were most powerful for me. Many of them were new to me (expressive shaking) and others old friends that I had forgotten about (3 min pranayama breathing and repatterning). Panya is a gentle yet thorough teacher, and listened to the concerns I had in my personal life and tailored the meditations that she thought would best suit my needs. I am grateful to have experienced her instruction and guidance.
Kibra Yohannes
Director, LIU Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY

"Panya's loving, healing energy is overwhelmingly good for the body and soul. She's an honest and conscientious healer. Panya gives you more than your money's worth in her courses and of herself. If you want healing in any part of your life, you can only go right working with her."
Before taking Panya's online course, I felt constricted and like I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing or being. I had lots of pain and tension in my body. I always had an awareness of what others wanted me to be and me trying to achieve that, instead of being who I really am.
After taking the course, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me. I feel freer, lighter and like I'm being true to myself and Spirit. I feel physical, mental and emotional tension releasing. I feel Joy welling up in me and return to it more frequently.
I've learned that the more I am myself, the more I allow others to be who they are and the more comfortable and satisfied I am with myself. I learned that what I want to be doing/being IS what I'm supposed to be doing/being. My thoughts have changed from 'I have to do this or be this' (constricting-what I perceive others want) to 'I want to do this or be this' (freeing-what I want).
Panya's loving, healing energy is overwhelmingly good for the body and soul. She's an honest and conscientious healer. Panya gives you more than your money's worth in her courses and of herself. If you want healing in any part of your life, you can only go right working with her.
Kathy Carbaugh Martin
Owner, Kathy Martin Designs
Grayson, GA

"After one intense session with Panya... I have gained confidence in speaking my truth and voicing my opinion. I have learned that I do not need the 'baggage' I carry, that I am enough and have a voice that needs to be heard."
After one intense session with Panya I have finally lost my fear of my feelings and emotions. I have gained confidence in speaking my truth and voicing my opinion. I have learned that I do not need the 'baggage' I carry, that I am enough and have a voice that needs to be heard.
Panya understands the importance of work and life balance to another level. Panya is the beautiful one woman show for relationship counseling, spiritual guidance and career counseling. Her work is all encompassing and is helping me better align my true self with my career in a way that is easy, relaxed, positive and healthy.
After one session with Panya I was able to find clarity on both personal and professional aspects of my life and I am truly grateful. Thank you Panya, I love being a work in progress. Thanks for everything you have initiated so far, at first the changes were subtle but they are significantly evident now.
Dr. Anna Padilla
Physical Therapist & Strength/Conditioning Specialist @ Ther-X
New York, NY

"Thank you Panya for taking what seem like simple concepts and putting them into such a concise, effective and efficient package. When I watch you I feel peace and tranquility and 'you can do this' coming right out of the screen. And I am getting to where I want to be. Love the program!!"
Accolades are in order. I’ve been working with Panya's online course to help get a goal accomplished. I have lots of things I could have chosen but decided to start with weight loss thinking that would be simple, a matter of finishing off what I’ve worked on all my life. I’ve been battling weight issues due to really bad self-image caused by molestation and humiliation when young. I thought that I had cleared things out pretty well on my own. I’ve done spiritual work, have a trainer, walk every day, try to eat well. I’m still 15 pounds overweight. So I knew there must be some baggage I’m not seeing or just not releasing. That’s where what Panya teaches has been such a great help.
The first session brought up all this anger and rage. Hello, I knew I was angry and thought I kept it on a low simmer, but wow, this was of volcanic proportions. It all came pouring out on my walk the next morning. Nothing you’ll find on the local news, just internal raging at past events. When I calmed down most of the anger in my life was just gone. That got me thinking. I finally realized, of course, the body took the first offense so the body is where I needed to go to release the past. Just reconnecting the dots – literally – the meridian work Panya's teaching opened the floodgates. I have not had much anger inside since. Huh…that’s me being amazed and thoughtful.
The second lesson was just as powerful but in a different way. It seemed to be more intense physically. After the session I experienced so much energy that I upped my steps from about 8,000 a day to 10,000 to 11,000. I cleaned up the leaves in the yard, cleaned the house, did five loads of laundry, hung it out on the line and just kept going. The power surge is still there but not quite that intense. I’ve released 3 pound in one week. I feel like I’m getting the hang of this, sinking into the program, and feeling good about the results so far.
Can’t wait for lesson three!
Thank you Panya for taking what seem like simple concepts and putting them into such a concise, effective and efficient package. When I watch you I feel peace and tranquility and 'you can do this' coming right out of the screen. And I am getting to where I want to be. Love the program!!
Sara Harder
Co-Founder, Metaphysical Mumbo Jumbo
Prescott, AZ

"I came to Panya for reassurance that my husband and I could still imagine a life together laced with love and respect. Panya helped us identify beliefs we inherited from our environment and offered a fresh perspective on writing a new love story. Most amazingly, Panya gifted us the ability to recognize, and celebrate, the love that still lives within us."
In love and many aspects of my life, I am challenged to be patient. I often remind myself to be gentle and compassionate toward small steps to progress and observant of the value of prayer and perspective. My husband, Zuberi, and I came to Panya for reassurance that our path toward building a safe, sacred and healing partnership was not stunted by setbacks of negativity, fear and dismissal. We needed to know that despite the trauma, and sometimes terror, of growth, we could still imagine a life together laced with love and respect.
Panya listened in a way that replaced my husband's apprehension with certainty. She advised us - with customized consults, powerful prayer and metaphysical assessments - in a way that replaced our fear with faith. She boldly connected negative behavior to a need for better self-care and self-awareness. She soothed away themes of fear and denial with motivation to be authentic and relax into the love that already exists in us.
This path is not easy, she told us. But don't stop working to restore yourselves and your relationship; it's worth it. My husband says his heart feels 'lighter.' So do the words we coach ourselves to speak with one another. 'Take the war out of your words,' Panya says. She taught us to replace 'painspeak' with 'lovespeak' and faith exercises. She helped us identify beliefs we inherited from our environment and offered a fresh perspective on writing a new love story. Most amazingly, Panya gifted us the ability to recognize, and celebrate, the love that still lives within us.
Tasneem Grace Tewogbola
Founder, SoulStory
Nashville, TN

" I am lucky enough to be part of Panya's [online] class and I am absolutely loving it! ...Panya really took into consideration the energy she is working with and made the course and the information that it delivers user friendly, practical and powerful. These are tools I will be coming back to again and again!"
OMG! I am lucky enough to be part of Panya's class and I am absolutely loving it! I caught up with the lessons yesterday and got so much clarity about the piece I am working on. The lessons are very practical so as to not overwhelm and you get consistency but at your own pace. Panya really took into consideration the energy she is working with and made the course and the information that it delivers user friendly, practical and powerful! These are tools I will be coming back to again and again!
Antonina Andreeva
Founder @ The Coachinista
United Kingdom

"I have learned new techniques to help bring about balance in my life. The work Panya is doing is great, especially if you want to make the mind, body connection."
Because of the work I did with Panya, I was able to get the energy to relocate. I also feel supported and that is very important to me. I have learned new techniques to help bring about balance in my life. The work Panya is doing is great, especially if you want to make the mind, body connection.
​Dr. M. Jwahir Brathwaite
President/Founder, Family Fitness Ministries
Brooklyn, NY

"After doing Panya's 90-day program with a focus on my business, I've already made 3X the amount that I spent working with her and it's only been one week since we completed our sessions."
​I was referred to Panya by a good friend of mine. At the time I had many questions about my business and personal relationships, daily habits and how to become more mindful throughout my day. Working with Panya has helped me to trust myself more and to communicate more authentically and powerfully in my personal and professional life. She understands communication and relationships better than anyone I know. So much so, that when I have uncertainty, I find myself asking, 'What would Panya tell me?'
After doing Panya's 90-day program with a focus on my business, I've already made 3X the amount that I spent working with her and it's only been one week since we completed our sessions.
If you're looking to work with Panya, you will:
1. Learn how you function in your personal relationships -- your strengths and blind spots -- and ways to improve them.
2. Learn ways to improve your communication on a professional level, and grow your business profile from a place of high integrity.
3. Come to see your world through a different lens.
4. Feel more centered and 'at one' with yourself, appreciate what you do, and above all understand your value and worth.
Most importantly, she listens and DELIVERS!
​Joseph Giangrasso
Strength & Conditioning Coach @ Precision Movement
New York, NY

"I would certainly recommend her and her services to others seeking a holistic approach to balancing life."
I recently requested Panya speak at my women’s retreat on self-care. She was poised and had a very positive spirit as she spoke to a room of 50 women of varying age, ethnicity and background. She was able to connect with and relate to each of us in a very calm and gentle, yet urgent and informative manner. It was evident she practices what she preaches/teaches! I would certainly recommend her and her services to others seeking a holistic approach to balancing life.
Natalie Dean
Founder, Whine & Cheese
Washington, DC

"My husband and I tried for three years to get pregnant and after a painful miscarriage, I approached Panya for a quantum healing. She helped me to relinquish control, relax, and focus on reclaiming my own health... Five months after working with Panya, my husband and I found out that we'd conceived. We are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy."
My husband and I tried for three years to get pregnant, and after a painful miscarriage, I approached Panya for a transformational consultation/quantum healing. Through our work together, I felt myself shift in a number of areas in my life. She helped me to relinquish control, relax, and focus on reclaiming my own health through gentle exercise and mindful eating. She also helped me to change my mindset, and see myself as a fertile, creative being.
As a 'type A' person, it was liberating for me to 'let go and let it flow.' Five months after working with Panya, my husband and I found out that we’d conceived. We are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy.
Lisa V.
Merrillville, Indiana

"I would recommend the work to anyone -- keep an open mind and heart and you won't be disappointed."
Before coming in to do the work I had several financial, relationship and career-related issues at the top of my mind. Panya helped me to remove perceived blockages, so that I could prioritize, focus and trouble shoot more effectively. I now have greater inner and outer awareness and mental clarity. I would recommend the work to anyone — keep an open mind and heart and you won’t be disappointed.
Leon Smillie
Brooklyn, NY

"Working with Panya has strengthened my intuition and ability to listen to my inner voice. I learned the power of working to prepare mind, body and spirit in order to be able to do my best work."
My work on leadership and team building requires skill, focus and trusting relationships. Panya works with me to help create the conditions for me to be at my best when working with clients.
When I have a big engagement on the calendar, I request a session with Panya to help prepare for my client work. The healing provides the energetic and mental preparation I need to be focused and fully present in my work with individuals, teams and groups of people.
Working with Panya has strengthened my intuition and ability to listen to my inner voice. I learned the power of working to prepare mind, body and spirit in order to be able to do my best work.
Panya is such a powerful and generous individual, I recommend her work highly for those who need to be at the top of their game.
Michael Bell
President/CEO, Inpartnership Consulting
San Francisco, CA

"The experience has been nothing less than excellent. I recommend that anyone wishing to be empowered, focused and more successful in their lives work with Panya."
Working with Panya has helped me to gain greater clarity and confidence around my career path. My mental focus, self awareness and decision-making abilities have been greatly improved which has translated into better communication and relationships with my colleagues and clients and greater productivity all around.
The experience has been nothing less than excellent. I recommend that anyone wishing to be empowered, focused and more successful in their lives work with Panya.
​​Dwayne Johnson
Executive Director, CTS Performance
Long Island, NY

"During these sessions I developed a deeper understanding of the impact of diet and exercise on the whole body."
I have been in fitness classes at the YMCA for several years. One day my fitness instructor introduced me to Panya. I told her about the painful arthritis in my knee. I was also doing (2) rehab sessions per week recommended by my doctor.
Panya agreed to give me some sessions in my home. Later I continued my sessions with Panya once a week for 10 weeks. During sessions she worked on many parts of my body. She recommended foods that I needed to eliminate from my diet and reading materials on arthritis. During these sessions I developed a deeper understanding of the impact of diet and exercise on the whole body. In one session Panya noticed that my balance was off and she worked to correct it. Panya also has helped me to deal with my sinus condition. I would recommend Panya Walker to any one who has a problem who would like to get control of the situation. At the present time, I have little or no pain.
Mildred Vann
Brooklyn, NY