During this time of global concern around COVID-19 and unprecedented change to our way of life, it is my intention to offer individual support and hold space for community healing.
To that end, I'm launching a FREE "Weekly Peace" platform. It's a weekly forum through which I'll share soma tools that you can integrate into your daily practice to calm your nervous system, release stress and stand in your personal power, so that you can take aligned action to create positive change now.
Here's how you can join me and make the most of the program: Register HERE and join me live each week We will meet each week live. The meeting format may evolve over time, so please register HERE and look out for an email from me around mid-week with updates and a link to our online convening space. Integrate the practices you learn each week Soma tools work best when you use them over time. This is an experiential program, and we call it a practice because it requires just that -- practice! Invite a friend Create connections in the midst of social distancing by inviting a friend to join the Weekly Peace. Until soon, be well,